Friday, May 10, 2013


Ever have a pen pal? If you do an online search you'll find pen pals are as popular today as it was 20 years ago. I can remember when I had pen pals during my time in the military. You can chose a particular group or country. The most popular where Russia, Philippines and a few of the South American countries. 

In my experience I picked Philippines. Most of the guys did also, as this country seemed to be the most popular. How it worked is you send payment to a company. Ours was called Life-Mates at that time. Then you receive a pamphlet or magazine size booklet with a few hundred photos with the girls names and contact info. 

With my list and fresh note pad and pen I sat down that night and eagerly wrote as many letters as I can. I think I got to bed about 3am. I was stationed in Germany at the time and most of the platoon went out drinking and partying. Not us select few we stayed behind this time with a new mission. Write, write, write. 

Now what? All letters sent on there merry way. Just wait. And about 2 weeks later replies started coming in. Open an envelope and find several pictures with a reply letter. Most letters where about how they hoped to find an ideal husband. Narrow down the ones you like the most and begin your second letter. Oh, you can even include stamps so she can keep replying as then it was hard for them to even afford stamps. 

Only one guy went off to marry one of his pen pals. As for me It was over 20 years later I would meet a Filipina online and marry. 

There are things that are still the same and there are many changes too. Most of us never knew a day would come when you can see your potential partner on a webcam. When asked how did you meet? You say online, but we know several couples who met the old fashion way. By writing letters. 

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